Events Fourteenth Permanent Seminar on Nishida Philosophy: Nishida’s “Absolute Contradictory Self-Identity” and Hegel
March 28th, 2025. 15:30~18:00 JST
NIRC 217 and online
“Absolute Contradictory Self-Identity” (1939) is one of Nishida’s most important texts in which we find the foundations of his mature philosophy. Treating the interrelation of logic and sociopolitical life, the work is a direct and explicit response to Hegel’s Science of Logic and Philosophy of Right. While Nishida’s interlocutor is clear, the aims and results of his investigation are opaque. To shed light on these basic issues, then, the two talks of this seminar will address Nishida’s engagement with Hegel in the text.
Sova CERDA(京都大学):What is an Absolute Contradictory Self-Identity? Nishida, Hegel, and Ontological Truth
Stephen LOFTS(Roche Chair): The Logic of Soku (即) as Creative Being-in-the-World: Nishida Beyond Hegel