Events A History of Anglo-Japanese Relation in a Field of Catholicism: A Japanese Reception of John Henry Newman's Thought by Yoshimitsu Yoshihiko

May 24th, 2024. 17:30~19:00 JST

NIRC 217 and online

Speakers Kiuchi Shō

A talk by Sho Kiuchi, Project Researcher, Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture

John Henry Newman (1801-1890) was a theologian and Catholic priest with significant influence in Europe. His relationship with the Christians at that time in personal and official domain left a enormous traces. He was also received by some Japanese Christians and philosophers in the first half of the 20th century, among which a Catholic philosopher, Yoshimitsu Yoshihiko (1904-1945) could be counted. In this talk, Dr. Kiuchi will tell us about Yoshimitsu’s understanding of Newman’s thought, through which we can look at Japan's political and religious situation at that time.

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