Resources / 「西欧思想と仏教」

Author: Nishitani Keiji




  • Year: 1960

    Die religiös-philosophische Existenz im Buddhismus. Richard Wisser, ed. Sinn und Sein: Ein philosophisches Symposion (Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag), 381–98.

  • Year: 1990

    Religious-Philosophical Existence in Buddhism. Trans. by Paul Shepherd. The Eastern Buddhist 23/2: 1–17.

  • Year: 1991

    Nishida Kitarō. Trans. by J. W. Heisig and Yamamoto Seisaku. Berkeley: University of California Press.

  • Year: 1991

    A Buddhist Voice in the Demythologizing Debate. Trans. by Richard F. Szippl. The Eastern Buddhist 24/1: 1–27.

  • Year: 1993

    Nishitani’s interventions in the Chūōkōron discussions on The World Historical Standpoint and Japan, held with Kōsaka Masaaki, Kōyama Iwao, and Suzuki Shigetaka. Trans. by James W. Heisig. Download: awakenings/Chuokoron (Nishitani).pdf

  • Year: 1995

    El nihilismo como existencia. Jacinto 1995, 315–27.

  • Year: 2002

    L'esistenza religioso-filosofica nel Buddhismo. Trans. by Carlo Saviani. Nichilismo e vacuità del Sè. Ed. by C. Saviani (Napoli), 25–45. See also Saviani 2005.

  • Year: 2002

    La relazione Io-Tu nel Buddhismo Zen. Trans. by Carlo Saviani. Saviani 2002: 47–65. See also Saviani 2005.

  • Year: 2005

    L’esistenza religioso-filosofica nel buddismo. Saviani 2005, 53–80.