Resources / 「世界に於ける日本文化」

Author: Nishitani Keiji




  • Year: 1960

    The Religious Situation in Present-Day Japan. Contemporary Religions in Japan 1: 7–24.

  • Year: 1961

    Eine buddhistische Stimme zum Thema Entmythologisierung. Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte 13/3–4: 244–62, 345–56.

  • Year: 1964

    Rationale of the International Institute for Japan Studies. Japan Studies 1/1: 1–8.

  • Year: 1964

    Japan in the World. Japan Studies 1: 2–9.

  • Year: 1965

    Harmony of Religion and Science. Japan Studies 9: 7–8.

  • Year: 1986

    Three Worlds—No Dharma: Where to Seek the Mind? Zen Buddhism Today 4: 119–25.

  • Year: 1986

    Remembering Dr. Daisetz T. Suzuki. Masao Abe, ed., A Zen Life: D. T. Suzuki Remembered (Tokyo: Weatherhill), 148–59.

  • Year: 1986

    (interview) Walking on the Waves. Parabola 11/4: 18–27.

  • Year: 1986

    Modernisierung und Tradition in Japan. Constantin v. Barloewen and Kai Werhahn-Mees, eds., Japan und der Westen (Frankfurt: Fischer Verlag), 183–204.

  • Year: 1987

    Kōan Zen. FAS Society Journal (Fall): 8–11.