Resources / 「仏教とキリスト教の出会いについて(ハイデッガーの二つの講演にふれて)」
Author: Nishitani Keiji
- Language
- JA
Year: 1966
Reflections on Two Addresses by Martin Heidegger. The Eastern Buddhist 1/2: 48–59. Reprinted in Graham Parkes, ed., Heidegger and Asian Thought (Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 1987), 145–54.
Year: 1968
A Buddhist Philosopher Looks at the Future of Christianity. Japanese Christian Yearbook (Tokyo: Kyōbunkwan), 108–11.
Year: 1968
Japan in the Contemporary World. Japan Studies 13: 1–6.
Year: 1968
Kami and Fundamental Experience. The Concept of Kami (Tokyo:.Shinto Studies), 27–9.
Year: 1969
The I-Thou Relation in Zen Buddhism. Trans. by Norman Waddell. The Eastern Buddhist 11/2: 71–87. Reprinted in Franck 1982, 47–60.
Year: 1969
On Modernization and Tradition in Japan. Trans. by Kuyama Yasushi and Kobayashi Nobuo, Modernization and Tradition in Japan (Nishinomiya: International Institute for Japan Studies), 69–96.
Year: 1975
The Significance of Zen in Modern Society. Japanese Religions 8/3: 18–24.
Year: 1975
(roundtable discussion with Tsukamoto Zenryū and Shibayama Zenkei.) Chinese Zen. The Eastern Buddhist 8/2: 66–93.
Year: 1976
Zum Geleit. Hans Waldenfels, Absolutes Nichts: Zur Grundlegung des Dialoges zwischen Buddhismus und Christentum. (Freiburg: Herder, 1976), 3–4.
Year: 1978
The Problem of Time in Shinran. Trans. by Dennis Hirota. The Eastern Buddhist 11/1: 13–26.
Year: 1980
Foreword. Trans. by James W. Heisig. Hans Waldenfels, Absolute Nothingness: Foundations for a Buddhist-Christian Dialogue (New York: Paulist, 1980), v-vi.
Year: 1981
Ontology and Utterance. Philosophy East and West 31/1: 29–43.
Year: 1981
Postwar Japanese Thought: 1945–1960. Japan Christian Quarterly 47/3: 132–78.
Year: 1982
Religion and Nothingness. Trans. by Jan Van Bragt (Berkeley: University of California Press).
Year: 1986
Was ist Religion? Trans. by Dora Fischer-Barnicol (Frankfurt: Insel Verlag).
Year: 2003
Reflectii asupra a doua cuvântari ale lui Martin Heidegger. Trans. by Nicolae I. Maris. Graham Parkes. Ed., Heidegger si gândirea asiatica (Bucharest: Editura Merc Serv), 137–46.
Year: 2004
La Religione e il Nulla. Trans. by Carlo Saviani (Roma: Città Nuova).
Year: 2004
Religia şi Nimicul. Trans. by Nicolae Mariş and Mona Mamuela (Bucharest: Editura YES)