Resources / 「禅に於ける安心の問題」

Author: Nishitani Keiji




  • Year: 1996

    The Problem of Anjin in Zen (I). Trans. by Mark L. Blum. The Eastern Buddhist 29/1: 1–32.

  • Year: 1998

    The Contemporary Era as a Turning Point in World History. Trans. by David Dilworth and Valdo Viglielmo, Sourcebook for Modern Japanese Philosophy: Selected Documents (Westport: Greenwood Press, 1998), 381–4.

  • Year: 1998

    Concerning the Worldview of the New Japan. Dilworth and Viglielmo 1998, 385–91.

  • Year: 1998

    The Nation and Religion. Dilworth and Viglielmo 1998, 392–401.

  • Year: 1999

    La religión y la nada. Trans. by Raquel Bouso García. Madrid: Ediciones Siruela.

  • Year: 1999

    Emptiness and Sameness. Michele Marra, Modern Japanese Aesthetics (Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press), 179–217.