Resources / 「実存哲学と仏教」

Author: Nishitani Keiji




  • Year: 1959

    Buddhism and Existentialism: The Dialogue between Oriental and Occidental Thought. W. Leibricht, ed., Religion and Culture (New York: Harper)

  • Year: 1959

    On Sacred Time and Sacred Space. Religious Studies in Japan (Tokyo: Maruzen), 73–5.

  • Year: 1961

    Il silenzio del Buddha: Un problema di filosofia della religione del Buddismo. Il Pensiero 6/3.

  • Year: 1961

    Das Problem der Eschatologie bei der Jodo-Schule des japanischen Buddhismuus und ihrer Beziehung zu seiner Heilslehre. Oriens Extremus 8/1.

  • Year: 1962

    Das Schweigen des Buddha: Ein Problem der Religionsphilosophie des Buddhismus. Buddhistische Monatsblätter 8/7–8.

  • Year: 1962

    Hegel and Buddhism: Nishida’s Philosophy and his Dialectic of Absolute Nothingness. Il Pensiero 7.

  • Year: 1963

    The Philosophy of Nishida. Japanese Religions 3–4: 1–32. Reprinted in Frederick Franck, ed., The Buddha Eye: An Anthology of the Kyoto School (New York: Crossroad, 1982), 179–202.

  • Year: 1966

    Japanese Philosophy. Encyclopedia Britannica (Chicago), vol. 10 [?]

  • Year: 1966

    Nishida Kitaro. Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. 16 [?]

  • Year: 1966

    Watsuji Tetsuro. Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. 23 [?]

  • Year: 1967

    Introduction to Philosophy as Metanoetics. Japanese Religions 5/2: 29–47. Edited and reprinted in Tanabe Hajime, Philosophy as Metanoetics, trans. by Takeuchi Yoshinori, Valdo Viglielmo, and James W. Heisig (Berkeley: University of California Press), xxxi–xlvii.

  • Year: 1967

    The Silence of Buddha. Philosophical Studies of Japan 6:4–58.

  • Year: 1969

    Die Idee dr Freiheit von und durch Kausalität im Ur-Buddhismus. Akten des xiv. Internationalen Kongresses für Philosophie in Wein.

  • Year: 1971

    Hajime Tanabe: A Comparison of Metanoetics with the Philosophy of Freedom. Trans. by Gerald Cooke and Yoshinori Takeuchi. Japanese Religions 7/2.

  • Year: 1972

    Probleme der Versenkung im Ur-Buddhismus. Ed. by Ernst Benz (Leiden: E. J. Brill)

  • Year: 1978

    Nishida Kitaro. The New Encyclopedia Britannica (Chicago), 13: 118–20.