Resources / 「仏教の心の平和」





  • Year: 1986

    Buddhist Peace of Heart. Trans. by James W. Heisig. Alistair Kee and Eugene T. Long, eds., Being and Truth: Essays in Honour of John Macquarrie (London: scm Press), 264–75.

  • Year: 1986

    Der Neue Buddhismus der Kamakurazeit. Fernöstliche Weisheit und Christlicher Glaube: Festgabe für Heinrich Dumoulin, S.J. zur Vollendung des 80, Lebensjahres, Hrsg. v. Hans Waldenfels und Thomas Immoos (Mainz: Matthias-Grünewald).

  • Year: 1987

    (with John P. Keenan). Buddhist Philosophy. The Encyclopedia of Religion, ed. by Mircea Eliade (New York: Macmillan), 2: 540–6.

  • Year: 1987

    Nishida Kitaro. Trans. by James W. Heisig. The Encyclopedia of Religion, 10: 456–7.

  • Year: 1990

    Recollections of Professor Tanabe. Trans. by Mark Unno. James W. Heisig and Taitetsu Unno, eds., The Religious Philosophy of Tanabe Hajime: The Metanoetic Imperative (Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press), 1–11.