Events The Sixth Buddhist Text Translation Seminar: Annen’s Kyōjimondō

April 25th, 2025. 10:30~12:00 JST


Speakers Matthew D. McMullen

The Buddhist Text Translation Seminar is designed to provide researchers who are working on long-term translation projects to discuss their ongoing work in a casual, online format with fellow researchers. The seminar will meet on the morning of the last Friday of the month, six months per year. Participants may join by invitation only. Please contact us to join the seminar.
The sixth meeting of the seminar will be hosted by Matthew McMullen, who will discuss his translation of Annen’s Kyōji mondō. The Kyōji mondō is a dialogical text that addressed numerous textual and philosophical issues debated among scholastic Buddhist monks in ninth-century Japan. It is also a foundational work for the esoteric Buddhist tradition in Japan.
10:30~11:00    General discuss of the text by the translator
11:00~11:30    Analysis of translation
11:30~12:00    Discussion