All JournalsJapanese Journal of Religious Studies
Volume 36 Issue 1
- Ambros, Barbara and Duncan Williams with Regan E. Murphy
Editors’ Introduction: Helen Hardacre and the Study of Japanese Religion [1-9] - Tamamuro Fumio
The Development of the Temple-Parishioner System [11-26] - Williams, Duncan
The Purple Robe Incident and the Formation of the Early Modern Sōtō Zen Institution [27-43] - Hur, Nam-lin
Invitation to the Secret Buddha of Zenkōji: Kaichō and Religious Culture in Early Modern Japan [45-64] - Murphy, Regan E.
Esoteric Buddhist Theories of Language in Early Kokugaku: The Sōshaku of the Man’yō daishōki [65-91] - Shimazono Susumu
State Shinto in the Lives of the People: The Establishment of Emperor Worship, Modern Nationalism, and Shrine Shinto in Late Meiji [93-124] - Kim Hwansoo
The Adventures of a Japanese Monk in Colonial Korea: Sōma Shōei’s Zen Training with Korean Masters [125-165] - Ambros, Barbara
Researching Place, Emplacing the Researcher: Reflections on the Making of a Documentary on a Pilgrimage Confraternity [167-197]