
  • Japanese Journal of Religious Studies Cover

    A peer-reviewed journal specializing in the publication of research on the study of Japanese religions. The journal aims for a multidisciplinary approach to the study of religion in Japan, and submissions are welcomed from scholars in all fields of the humanities and social sciences. The JJRS is published with the support of the Center for Information on Religion and is a CC BY-NC4.0 open access journal.

    The JJRS is currently accepting individual manuscripts as well as proposals for special issues. For submission guidelines, see the Style Guide and manuscript template. Read more about requirements for publication here.

    Please contact us for submission inquiries.

  • Contemporary Religions in Japan Cover

    Contemporary Religions in Japan was published from 1960 to 1970 by the International Institute for the Study of Religions in Tokyo. Four years later, in 1974, it was revived as the Japanese Journal of Religious Studies. In 1981 the editorship was transferred to the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture.

  • Bulletin of the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture Cover

    An English-language journal documenting the annual research activities of the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture. This in-house publication includes reports on events such as workshops and conferences held at the institute, presentations by guest researchers, and records of research achievements from institute members. The journal is published every summer and is available online and in print. For the Japanese-language version of the Bulletin, see the Shohō.

  • 南山宗教文化研究所研究所報 Cover

    『研究所報』では、英語版の Bulletin と同様、研究所のメンバーの活動や研究業績について報告します。また、主に研究所員や研究員など研究所のメンバーの業績から、毎号さまざまな論文を選んで掲載します。

  • Inter-Religo Cover

    From 1982 to 2005, the Nanzan Institute published the biannual journal of Inter-Religio, a network of Christian organizations aimed at promoting interreligious research and dialogue in Eastern Asia.

  • The Japan Christian Review Cover

    Publication of The Japan Christian Review was discontinued 1998. During the final seven years, the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture collaborated in the production of the journal. The content for volumes 59 through 64 covering these final seven years is available for download on the institute website.

  • 東西宗教研究 Cover

    『東西宗教研究』は、東西宗教交流学会 (Japan Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies) の学術大会記録を掲載する。

  • 大乗禅 Cover

    東西宗教交流学会は、第一回East-West Religions in Encounter国際学会(1980年ハワイ大学)に参加した土居真俊氏の発議により1982年に設立された。その後アメリカのSociety of Buddhist-Christian Studiesと協力しつつ学際的・国際的な活動を継続した。南山宗教文化研究所は、その設立精神である宗教間・文化間対話の実践活動として、第二代所長のヤン・ヴァン・ブラフト師以来この学会と深く係わっており、この学会の事務局を担当しつづけている。また、 同学会誌の『東西宗教研究』の発刊も、2002年から南山宗教文化研究所によって行われている。