All JournalsJapanese Journal of Religious Studies
Volume 43 Issue 2
- Ama, Michihiro
Shinran as “Other”: Revisiting Kurata Hyakuzō’s The Priest and His Disciples [253-274] - Shultz, John A.
The Way to Gyō: Priestly Asceticism on the Shikoku Henro [275-305] - Moto-Sanchez, Milla Micka
Jizō, Healing Rituals, and Women in Japan [307-331] - Greene, Barbara
Furusato and Emotional Pilgrimage: Ge Ge Ge no Kitarō and Sakaiminato [333-356] - Yong, Amos
Many Tongues, Many Buddhisms in a Pluralistic World: A Christian Interpretation at the Interreligious Crossroads [357-376] - Keyworth, George A.
Review of: Jiang Wu, Leaving for the Rising Sun: Chinese Zen Master Yinyuan & the Authenticity Crisis in Early Modern East Asia [377-383] - Kim, Sujung
Review of: Barbara Ambros, Women in Japanese Religions [384-386] - Villani, Paolo
Review of: Gustav Heldt, The Kojiki: An Account of Ancient Matters [387-389] - Kopf, Gereon
Review of: John W. M. Krummel, Nishida Kitarō’s Chiasmatic Chorology: Place of Dialectic and Dialectic of Place [390-395] - Rodríguez, Francisco J. López
Review of: Eriko Ogihara-Schuck,Miyazaki’s Animism Abroad: The Reception of Japanese Religious Themes by American and German Audiences [396-400]